Frequently Asked Questions
If you're a healthcare professional interested in training but your question still isn't answered here you can CONTACT US for further assistance.
How can I find a qualified MSTR® practitioner?
Follow the arrow to see all qualified MSTR® practitioners around the world. You can locate your nearest practitioner by using the location map. Just zoom into the area you want to search, click the nearest red pin and you''' see the name and email address of the nearest practitioner in your area. (Best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.)
What is MSTR® designed for?
MSTR® can play an important part of post-surgical recovery and is often applied for scarring from surgical intervention or trauma wounds. It can be extremely effective for long or short term scarring such as:
Caesarean section scars
Hysterectomy scars
Spinal surgery scars
Trauma scars from lacerations such as head wound scars, stab wounds, bullet wounds
Mastectomy scars
Amputation scars
Underlying scar tissue from surgery
There are additional applications for MSTR® for problems such as Plantar Fasciitis, restricted shoulder movement, Dupuytren’s contraction and Axillary Web Syndrome.
Who uses MSTR®?
ANY bodywork practitioner can use this work….
Massage therapists
Bowen practitioners
Rehabilitation therapists
Pilates instructors
Yoga teachers etc…
In fact anyone involved professionally in health and wellness and who is insured to practice and licensed to apply therapeutic touch.
What kind of symptoms can MSTR® be helpful for?
Symptoms associated with scar tissue include:
Numbness or desensitisation in or around the area of the scar
Feeling of disconnection between lower and upper body (especially C-section scars)
Physical appearance such as the texture and colouration
Emotional and psychological pain associated with scars and the events that created them
Many or all of these symptoms can change dramatically, often quickly…even after decades. Read some of the real-life results from MSTR® treatment.
Have you done any research on MSTR®?
Have you done any research on MSTR®?
We are serious about our work and although the thousands of case studies, practitioner and client testimonials show we are really on to something significant in the the treatment of scar tissue, we also undertook two research projects to prove the claims we were making.
You can read more and download those research reports and watch video testimonials HERE
How does MSTR® compare to other techniques for scar tissue?
The rapid and long-lasting responses that clients experience with MSTR® makes it a valuable addition to any practitioner’s therapeutic toolbox. We do not make comparisons between MSTR® and others interventions. It is unfair and unethical to do so.
You yourself need to make that judgement. However read some of our CASE STUDIES and see the amazing changes we obtain with scar tissue using MSTR® and then you can make your own decision.
How long does it take to qualify in MSTR®?
Training is surprisingly quick and is available in these formats:
We encourage you to complete the coursework within six months of taking your class. If a student still has not completed their coursework after 12 months from the date of their class we will require you to undertake extra tuition from any tutor, with our 'Refresher' video call.
I'm finding it hard to complete my case studies within the suggested 6 month time period.
Can I have more time to complete my coursework?
Watch this video to learn more...
How much does the MSTR® course cost?
Pricing is shown clearly on each class listing.
Go >>HERE<< to access your country and find pricing in your local currency.
Pricing for the Instant Access Course varies from country to country. Click these links for further information:
...or choose an instructor you'd like to learn from from THIS LIST
After your initial cost there is nothing else to pay. Marking of your online test, case study assessments, certificate and online Practitioner Listing are all included in your course fee.
After registration of the Live class, you will be invoiced directly by your instructor. Please look out for the invoice in your email account.
Find out when classes are scheduled - click the arrow.