"Changing Lives for the Better."
"Innovative and effective therapeutic approach
for the treatment of scar tissue."
Scar Tissue
For Healthcare Professionals
Meet The Team

Our fine team of MSTR® instructors have been selected by me for their
passion, experience and dedication for this specialised form of body work for healthcare professionals.
They are all enthusiastic and motivated to convey this
potentially life-changing work to you in the same manner as myself.
You can depend on their support and encouragement
as you transition from student to practitioner - and beyond.
Alastair McLoughlin
Alastair McLoughlin
Designer of MSTR®

Alastair began his career in healthcare in the early 1980’s when he qualified as a remedial massage therapist with the Northern Institute of Massage.
He later trained in Bowen Technique and in 1997 became the UK’s senior instructor for The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia. He became a Life Member of The Bowen Association (UK) in recognition for his work. He is also an Honorary Member of The London and Counties Society of Physiologists.
Adriana Markanović

Moje ime je Adriana Markanović. Živim i radim u istočnom dijelu Hrvatske, u Vinkovcima. Radim već 20 godina kao fizioterapeut.
Ono što je mene oduševilo je koliko tako nježna tehnika u tako malo vremena može učiniti promjena na tkivu, poboljšati pokretljivost i kvalitetu života. MSTR® je savršena nadopuna vašem znanju, te se lako uklapa u druge oblike terapije.
Ajda Hudjej

Hvaležna sem, da sem lahko del ekipe inštruktorjev za neverjetno tehniko McLoughlin Scar Tissue ® (MSTR®).
Če bi opisala tehniko v nekaj besedah, bi rekla, da je preprosta, nežna in učinkovita.
Ko se boste naučili MSTR® tehniko in jo začeli uporabljati, boste dosegali rezultate, za katere niste mislili, da so možni.
Cindy Goh

My name is Cindy Goh. I am a Bowen Therapist and MSTR® Practitioner in Singapore.
Both these techniques are close to my heart and the results I get to witness on my clients' healing journey is gratifying and humbling.
I am proud to be granted this chance to spread the word and share about MSTR® - as a practitioner and as an instructor.
Cynthia George
United States of America

I am located in Gilbert Arizona, USA.
I own Cynshine Pilates Studio specializing in movement therapy including:
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release®, Pilates, Yoga, Fascial Stretch using Active Isolated Stretching®, Neurokinetic Therapy®, Reiki energy work and Pilates for Neurological conditions.
I was beyond honored to had been selected as one of the Alastair McLoughlin’s MSTR® Original International Teaching Team members...
Dawn Chouman

Originally from the USA, I am now located in the Alicante region of Spain.
I’ve witnessed numerous mini-miracles with MSTR®, and I am passionate about sharing this amazing tool. With over 20 years of experience teaching Pilates and movement, I love collaborating with other professionals. Whether you’re a Pilates or Yoga teacher, physio, doctor, chiropractor, osteopath, physical therapist, massage therapist, nurse, or movement professional, I look forward to sharing the incredible benefits of MSTR® with you.
Elian Krekels

Mijn naam is Elian Krekels. Ik woon en werk in Tilburg.
In 1985 ben ik afgestudeerd als ergotherapeut en daarna heb ik, na ook nog werkzaam te zijn geweest als schoonheidsspecialiste, mijn weg 25 jaar geleden vervolgd als complementair therapeut.
Ik heb ik in 2000 de praktijk Leefbewust gestart , waarin in ik momenteel samen met mijn man werk.
Frances Carter - Canine Instructor
United Kingdom

MSTR® for me is the missing link I have been striving to find for over 35 years.”
Training as a personal trainer, fitness instructor and then Sports therapist, Frances later project managed the development of health club facilities throughout Devon, UK.
I am proud to deliver Canine MSTR® classes throughout the world!
Gian Marco Piras

MSTR® è sbalorditivo per i risultati che riesce ad ottenere.
Fa parte ormai del mio lavoro quotidiano.
Lavorando sulle cicatrici, aiuta le persone ad ottenere benefici fisico/estetici ma anche ad eliminare blocchi emotivo/emozionali.
Sono davvero entusiasta dell’incontro con Alastair e dell’opportunità concessami di poter insegnare in Italia questa sbalorditiva ed efficacissima tecnica alle varie figure che si interessano di terapia manuale.
Jaine Konarik

My desire to help my clients more, to get better outcomes for them and to get results that were whole body focussed lead me to MSTR®. MSTR® has given me the opportunity to see and experience life changing results for clients.
Being a perpetual student and an instructor, I like to create a learning environment that is relaxed, supportive and practical.
To have the privilege and honour of facilitating life changing wellness is humbling. I look forward to seeing you in a MSTR® workshop soon.
Kathy Chase
New Zealand

Having a special interest in women’s health I was frequently having discussions with mums about their C-section scars. There was a general feeling that this was simply something they had to live with.Were issues with scar tissue really something that people had to put up with?
Thankfully I discovered MTSR®!
I am genuinely impressed by the level of research, resources and support provided to practitioners, instructors, and students of MTSR®.
I look forward to seeing you in class and teaching you this gentle yet highly effective therapy.
Lise Waugh
United States of America

I have been teaching Yoga, and fitness-based classes since 1982, Thai Bodywork since 2004 and have vast experience leading groups of many sizes along the way.
For many years I worked intimately designing programs of movement therapy for the Arthritis Foundation, and I have 20 years of experience providing care to hospice patients. I look forward to sharing this marvelous modality with you.
With my decades of equine experience, I also teach MSTR® for Horses.
Monika Lindblom

Jag har under mina drygt 20 år som terapeut och utbildare inom kroppsterapier och naturmedicin aldrig tidigare sett en behandlingsform med så snabba och hållbara resultat!
Eftersom ett obehandlat ärr kan skapa problem var som helst i kroppen, inte bara där ärret sitter, rekommenderar jag numera alla mina klienter att få sina ärr behandlade.
Jag har sett symptom försvinna, som klienten inte alls har kopplat ihop med ärrvävnaden.
Nema Nyar
United States of America

My name is Nema Nyar, a massage therapist and bodyworker with 30 years experience, deeply involved in the study of yoga science.
I was, and continue to be, amazed by the increase of function people experience when their scars are released.
There is no shortage of scars, just a shortage of scar releasers.
MSTR® is a simple-to-learn yet highly effective method of remodeling scars. I teach at the Himalayan Institute, a retreat center in beautiful northeast Pennsylvania.
I would be honored to initiate you into this work.
Paula Esson
United Kingdom and Greece, Iceland, Ireland

Scar work is an area which has been "weirdly" missed in the practitioner's toolset until recently it seems.
We have worked the fascia and understood many aspects of therapeutic changes that can occur but MSTR® has an intriguing and profound affect on the person as a whole.
I believe in freedom and in essence - this is what MSTR® is all about. Feeling whole and free again.
Peta Crogan

Like many, my first experience with MSTR® blew my mind. It was painless, quick and profoundly changing.
I have over 25 years’ experience in the natural health and medical industries, with Pathology, Oncobiology and Ayurveda supporting my MSTR® work.
I have been running workshops for the past 5 years and am excited to bring my experience and passion to MSTR®.
Silke Lauth

My name is Silke Lauth. I live and work in Bad Nauheim, Hessen.
In my practice, MSTR® has become an indispensable additional tool. Every scar that I have treated so far has shown clear changes and improvements for my clients.
No matter if numb or painful, white or red, thick or knotty ... with no other technique have I achieved such quick and lasting success.
With Alastair McLoughlin, I help administer the MSTR® office.
Susan Hagan
Portugal and United Kingdom

I am a Complementary Therapist and have been working in this field my whole life.
I have been teaching therapies internationally for 40 years. I use MSTR® all the time in my clinic and I'm constantly amazed at the transformation MSTR® can create in the health and lives of my clients. I am excited to share this remarkable therapy with you and look forward to many more years of sharing MSTR® to as many students as I can. I have recently relocated and now live and work in Portugal.