MSTR® Cesarean Section Research
Surgeons and doctors already know that scar tissue can be problematic in the months and years following surgery.
That's why this research should be of huge interest to anyone involved in healthcare!
Comparative pre and post treatment measurements of scar tissue by ultrasound.
Scar tissue reduced by over 30% in one 15 minute MSTR® treatment.
Download our two research reports >>

McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® is an amazing advancement in the treatment of scar tissue and is changing people’s lives.
This technique is used by healthcare professionals for:
Caesarean section scars
Hysterectomy scars
Spinal surgery scars
Trauma scars such as those typically found on the knee
Head wound scars
Mastectomy scars etc…
Amputation scars
Underlying scar tissue from laparoscopic surgery
Success has also been reported with burns scars in some instances!
It is a fast, easy-to-learn method and is being used worldwide by:
Physical therapists
Bowen Practitioners
Yoga teachers
NKT practitioners
Massage practitioners
Rehabilitation therapists
Pilates instructors
…and more!
What healthcare professionals are saying…
Kevin Minney - USA
“Such amazing work!”
Dr Mitchell Mosher - USA
“This works and works fast.”
Jill L’Esperance - USA
“An amazing addition to my practice!”
Eva Wahlstrom - Sweden
“If you have not taken MSTR® training – just do it!”
Cyndi George - USA
“I simply love my job and so grateful for MSTR® – a gift to the world”
Laura Denney - USA
“Holy heck I think we’re onto something here. It’s pretty amazing work.”
Hannah Sabrun - UK
“Thank you so much for teaching me such a life-changing technique.”
Jane Davies - Australia
“I am blown away how effective this simple but powerful treatment is.”
Sara Ivarsson - Sweden
“I am happy to have learned this amazing technique that benefits my client well-being so much.”
Michael Metchikian - USA
“It’s an honor to practice your teachings.”

“Beginning back in 2010 my client has had 7 total surgeries (not counting torn bicep repair). He had 4 surgeries to repair his torn rotator cuff then for his 5th surgery, the surgeons decided on a total shoulder replacement …. then he had to undergo 2 more surgeries due to a MRSA infection that set into his arm causing not only pain but time off from work. His last surgery was in 2015 and has been to doctors, PT’s, Acupuncture, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, has endured cortisone shots, tried CBD oil, all without much help. He has difficulty lifting his arm and even rolling over to sit up takes a lot of effort and brings on pain.”
Cyndi George – Gilbert AZ – USA

Pre and post treatment
MSTR® result for treatment on Achilles tendon surgery scar.
Video taken 1 week apart
Courtesy of Sophie Dhenin - UK

“This client had throat cancer a year and a half ago. He had surgery to remove all of the lymph nodes in his right neck and had radiation for 7 weeks. 76 radiation treatments total.
We did approximately 10 minutes of MSTR® work on his throat scar and a little beyond. He was blown away at the suppleness of the scar and the whole right side of his neck. His voice sounded a little croaky before the scar work and post scar work, his voice was so much smoother and clearer.
I love this MSTR scar work!
Thanks Alastair!
***Update-My client just yawned for the first time post scar work and he said there was no pain.
Before the scar work he said it was hard and painful to yawn. Yay!”Courtesy of Meghan Marks –

Courtesy of Meghan Marks - California USA

Courtesy of:
Siti Nur Atiqah Binti Abdul Rahman,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Reduced in
15 only minutes

2006 appendix surgery.
2020 emergency C-section
2022, scheduled C-section
3 MSTR® treatments in 2023
The pictures speak for themselves.
Treated by MSTR® therapist Helen Jeppsson
at Ystad's Chiropractic Clinic, Ystad, Sweden.
MSTR® Improves Spine Extension

Dr. Polly Heil-Mealey, ND and MSTR® Practitioner
Abundant Health and Wellness Center,
Humble, Texas
" Cyndi George introduced me to MSTR® via Facebook. I saw a video that she did with a preschool teacher who could not get up off the ground from a seated position some time after her surgery.
I resonated with that, as I have the same issue, though I am much older. Cyndi worked on me once in February and then twice in March. I have a scoliosis Harrington rod, and a bone graft on my back.
To say I was completely astounded is an understatement. The scar is 52 years old, and I had no idea that it was impeding my gait as much as it was. I continue to improve.
If my story can help others, please feel free to share it.
Dr Polly."