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Become an MSTR® scar tissue specialist.
Learn to treat scars safely and effectively
Change lives for the better.
Millions of surgeries are performed each year.
Every surgery produces scars.
Post-surgical treatment for scar tissue is often lacking.

As a trained scar tissue specialist, you can fill an immense need for therapeutic care and support - even decades after surgery.

Learn a gentle, effective and reliable method to treat scar tissue

Amazing student and practitioner support & resources

Worldwide teaching program
and practitioner network
The effects of scars are often minimized or overlooked completely!
Even as a healthcare professional you may not fully realize
the effect of scar tissue on your patients.
This can include:

Nervous system
Fascial system
Integumentary system
Energetic system
Psychologically and emotionally
Add this modality into your existing treatment sessions.
Be the 'go to' practitioner in your area for scar tissue release.
Why? Consider this profound quote...
"If the scar is...untreated,
it may be the cause of therapeutic failure and recurrence."
Lewit & Olsanska 2002

(This means your treatments outcomes may not be effective and presenting symptoms recur.)
MSTR® - the multi-application treatment.
Qualified practitioners already understand the value of MSTR® and are using it extensively for cases of:
Post-surgical scars
Scars from accidental injury
Fibrous tissue
Axillary Web Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Dupuytren's Contracture
Trigger Points
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

...and other soft-tissue problems
Add MSTR® scar tissue release to your 'therapeutic toolbox'.
Thousands of healthcare professionals have undertaken our training and incorporate MSTR® seamlessly into their treatment sessions.
Dr. Christina Monti, Neuro Physical Therapist.
Personal Trainer, NKT and MSTR® Practitioner, Brennan Meija.
Courtesy of Cynthia George - Cynshine Pilates Studio, Arizona
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